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Restoration ReVox A77 Restoration

Restoration projects


Active member
Jul 10, 2023
South Africa
It is almost 4pm on a sunny but chilly Saturday afternoon,
but I do believe I have earned my ice cold beer: this lovely
little Revox A77 has been stripped, cleaned and put together
again - all as a practice run before I take it all apart again,
and apply the electronic fixes required before the final
set-up and alignment.
The good news: the brakes are working fine, the heads are
all still good and even the pinch roller is in great shape!
As a quick test (I know I probably should not) I am playing
the only reel to reel tape I have - the Bee Gees. I will have to
start looking for a few more!

However, for now, it plays, and the sound is superb.

I also have one of those, still need to get the motivation to fix it up. Maybe when it gets a bit warmer haha. Lovely machine.