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Stereo Single Ended KT88 triode/tetrode amplifier

After a week of listening to the SET KT88, we decided that the sound could be bettered, but how? Tried 6J7 with 100K feedback resistor from KT88 anode to 6J7 screen grid. Improvement, but so-so. 6J7 in triode mode; also so-so. So the 6SL7 came forward as the next possible candidate. We contemplated wiring one 6SL7 stage as a cathode follower. The next development was to improve the cathode follower. A 6BL7 came to mind. Same pinout as the 6SL7, but much lower plate resistance and transconductance; much better for a cathode follower. The 6SL7 triode DC connected to a 6BL7 cathode follower works very good.

For the moment the SET KT88 runs with a 6SL7 triode voltage amplifier, 6BL7 cathode follower into the KT88 triode. The circuit also sounds great with 40% UL KT88 SE. (I have a switch next to the KT88 to change modes)


These 6BL7's look good!

Oi. Scratch that. Brain dead Saturday morning me didn’t see that there was a page 2🤣 with the exact same question.
The client took delivery of the SET and indicated that they are happy with the product. Mars-SET-KT88-2024-09.jpeg

Now we are building #0004 SET with rounded transformer covers!

A question: What type of SET would you like to see at the Expo in October?
  1. KT88 or other beam tetrode type with tetrode/triode switch
  2. DHT type with 2A3
  3. DHT type with 300B
  4. DHT type with 811A
I have no real experience and, therefore, no informed preferences, but why not a Kt150? I have considered a few new suppliers, and the KT150 seems to receive quite a bit of attention from designers and the market in single-ended designs. Plus it looks the part ...
Jolida_KT150-2_2048x (1).jpeg
I have no real experience and, therefore, no informed preferences, but why not a Kt150? I have considered a few new suppliers, and the KT150 seems to receive quite a bit of attention from designers and the market in single-ended designs. Plus it looks the part ...
View attachment 6167
I had a look at the specifications of the KT150. Same impedance output transformer, but gapped for 120mA! That is a biggie!

If I roll outputs for KT150, they will stand about 150mm high.
Next up is an order for a design that is size constrained. Due to the specifics of the client's hifi rack, this one can only be 150mm high, feet and transformer covers included. The footprint has to be 360mm x 300mm.

After some calculations, it became apparent that no 300B is going to fit into that space. Only the KT88 fits (if we recess the tube socket with 5mm). If we allow 10mm for rubber feet, and 40mm for the chassis, it leaves us with 100mm on top. We decided to use 96mm laminations for the core. With covers the size is exactly 100mm.


This design will also have a mesh cage for the tubes, but tubes only. The transformers will not be in the mesh cage.

We found 35mm VU's that also fits the bill.


Updates to follow.