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John Gilmore 6L6 SE amplifier

That looks lovely! I am glad toggle switches are catching on. Excuse my curiosity. Is this a preamplifier or a power amplifier?
Are the OPTs located below the chassis? Single 6L6 per channel? Low-power amps do have the ability to sound oh, so very sweet!

Any chance of an under-chassis view, or is the amplifier fully enclosed?

Very nice, it will be around 6w per channel, plenty loud enough with efficient speakers. I have a very soft spot for these small low-powered amps, they perform way above how one would expect them to.

Pin 1 on metal valves is the outside shell, on 6L6G, 6L6GA, B,C, etc it normally states no connection in the data books. Make sure pin 1 on the valve socket is not used for anything else as a tie point in your amp, you might get a nasty surprise 🤬(don’t ask).
I was hoping for no bangs and luckily nothing happened.
I like them compared to the nos Z&I aero services GT versions, they sound similar maybe if anything a bit more detailed.